SCA Elections – A Change at SSSAS
It’s that time again – SCA Elections! Every year, rising 10th, 11th and 12th graders apply to be a part of the SCA (Student Council Association). This year we have seen a difference in how involved applicants are in the SCA process – we’ve seen numerous posters, videos, social media promotions and so much more. It seems like our candidates have upped the ante for this year’s election. On Monday, May 1st, the SCA Representatives gave their reasoning as to why they should be elected as an SCA member. In this article, I’ll be highlighting some of the important points of each person’s speech, so you can get a better understanding of who ran for SCA and why they ran.
Our first selection of students were running for Secretary-Treasurer for SCA. The first candidate was Madeline Wolcott, a rising senior. She had a very enjoyable presentation, accompanied with fun photos of her classmates and memes. Madeline has some experience with leadership, being the President of the Fashion Club. She claimed that she has good funding skills, and she also described how she cares about the student’s well being in school. She wishes for better community engagement at school, and values her school art, sports robotics and learning. Second was Colin Cross, another rising senior. Let’s just say his speech was…interesting to say the least. He described his speech as “Slam Poetry.” Although his Slam Poetry was hard to understand, he certainly won the crowd over and received laughs from the audience.
Up next we had our Vice Presidents which the class of 2025 (rising juniors) had the opportunity to run for. Our first candidate was Taylor Storr, the libero for Varsity Volleyball. Although she was new this year, she has experience with SCA from being the class president all throughout middle school.She gained the highest award in her school, being a student athlete in 8th grade. Taylor promised that she would help plan school events and assembles, making them as fun as possible. She also ensured that all students’ voices would be heard. On top of her presentation, Taylor also had a fun video to go with her presentation featuring some classmates. The next candidate was Henrick Deinger. He was also a part of the SCA last year, being his class’ vice president. He explained how he wanted to try and make a positive impact on the Upper School, providing events at SSSAS that everyone would enjoy. Henrick also stated that he had loads of experience working with students and teachers, and could be provided as a support system with both ends of the school.
Following Henrick’s speech was Jamie Hodgkinson. Last week, Jamie sent out an email to the whole school asking about students’ concerns and opinions about the upcoming renovations for the school. Students answered and Jamie used the responses in her presentation. She wanted to improve the senior experiences at school and an alternative baseball field option, and hoped to be the student’s voice regarding the renovations. Jamie also wanted to continue the Red vs. Green teams, add more spirit weeks, and possibly enforce a video game tournament for students to enjoy. Our last Vice President candidate was Bryce Wilson. Bryce’s interests are Softball, robotics, programming and movies, and encouraged students to explore and connect with their interests inside and outside of school. Bryce was the vice president for her class for 2 years in a row and throughout her time she shared students with faculty and grew the community. She would like to add Student Assassins for all grades, and would like to add an artistic mural to the school for people to work on. She also wanted to make Ping Pong and Mario Brothers game tournaments for students to enjoy.
The last set of students are our rising seniors, the candidates for SCA Co-Presidents. Theo Weiman was our first candidate, and gave a very detailed and thorough speech. He talked about how there was a lot of anxiety and tension at school, and how students could be “machines” from time to time. He aimed to help students next year and hopes to make a small difference for a brighter future. A lot of students walked away from his speech hopeful for the future at SSSAS. Up next we had Matt Smith. You may know him because he works with everything technology – mics, projectors, sound etc. He helps out at Chapel and other CPAC events. He was elected the vice president role last year, and expressed his desiration to be someone who is approachable to his fellow classmates.
The next candidate was Madison Sandy, currently a part of the Athletics council. Madison’s goals are to represent the student body and make all voices heard and to have fun with the students next year. She wants to have more fun fridays, spirit weeks, and friday night lights, and to get all students’ voices and opinions heard. She also got her presentation approved by her older brother, Myles. The final speech was given by Angelina Egbe. She also had a fun video along with her presentation that was sent to everyone via email. Angelina had a very creative plan for next year, and hopefully the years after that too – she wanted to make a Saints Olympics. She explained that the week leading up to the Student vs. Faculty Basketball game, there would be other student vs. faculty members battles such as soccer games, tennis matches, a ping-pong tournament, a Mario Kart tournament and more.
After all of the candidates, students got to vote on who they think would make the right fit as a representative of SCA. With all the votes casted, here is the new SCA Board!
Co-Presidents: Madison Sandy and Theo Weiman
Vice President: Bryce Wilson
Secretary-Treasurer: Colin Cross
Congrats to the students for being selected! We are excited to see them lead next year.

Tatum is a junior at SSSAS and this is her third year being in the Journalism class. She is passionate about writing, news, and supporting her friends...