100 Days Until Graduation: Hear From The Voice Seniors About Some of the Most Memorable Moments So Far!

With 100 days left before the senior class graduates, The Voice seniors reflect on the 22-23 school year so far and their hopes for our final 100 days.


Anne Belevetz – In sixth grade when I came to SSSAS, I had no idea how impactful the next seven years would be. It seems like just yesterday my brother, class of ‘20 was 100 days out from his graduation. As a senior now with 100 days left until graduation, reflecting on this past 22-23 school year is bittersweet. Meeting new people through soccer, Stage One, Women’s Affinity Group, and even The Voice has allowed me to open up my world these past few months and learn more about my peers and our community. With 100 days left, I hope to grow even closer with my classmates and continue to push myself to try new things and I encourage you all to do the same. 


Lucy Palma – Having the role as co-editor in chief for The Voice this year has had a huge impact on me. I was extremely excited to have the opportunity to be a senior leader within The Voice staff, however I won’t lie I was not fully aware of how big the task was going to be. Although running The Voice is quite the job, and we have had plenty of ups and downs, I am so proud of the newspaper we have created. Since Anne and I took over we have changed The Voice a significant amount and have poured a lot of our time and energy into making the paper the best it can be. I am excited that I will get to leave a mark on the school through The Voice, and I want to make it the best it can be before I leave in 100 days! 


Julianne Karol – Being a lifer at St. Stephens and St. Agnes, I definitely feel bittersweet about entering the last 100 days of my senior year. As a kindergartener, one of my first experiences in the SSSAS community was the Thanksgiving Chapel, where I received my SSSAS emblem pin from a senior. On this day, I remember participating in my first food drive, reiterating all of my blessings in the service, and looking up to the senior who led me into the room, awed by their precedence and maturity. Ever since, I have looked forward to being a senior and taking on this mentorship. Little did I know, this leadership role took on a much greater meaning throughout my years of growing up in the SSSAS community. In November of 2022, when I walked into the Goodwin Gymnasium with Ebby, a kindergartener of my own, I was reminded of the accumulation of skills I had learned, relationships I had fostered, and fond memories I had made. I felt envious of Ebby and all of the experiences he had yet to come and was reminded of how proud I am to be a leader of the SSSAS community.


Bramley Legg – As a returning senior on the Varsity Tennis team this year, there was extreme drive and determination to bring home the ISL banner for the team as it has not been won since 2011. When I started on the team as a freshman, the thought of bringing home a banner was near impossible and seemed like a huge deal, something the tennis team would never have the opportunity of flaunting. This year, the inconceivable was accomplished after a grueling four hour match. The Girls Tennis team triumphantly brought home the ISL championship banner and defeated Holy Child. 


Taylor Grace Peterson – One goal for me going into this senior year was to get closer with the rest of my class. Whether that may be through sports, Stage One, clubs, my advisory, or even classes. Reflecting on my time here, not just my senior year, but coming in middle school, I would say that I should’ve had a goal like this a long time ago. I’ve spent my year getting to know so many people and creating unlikely friendships. I believe that we have done so much with one another, but I know that there is so much more to look forward to in my last 100 days left at SSSAS.  


Jacob Liberman – High school really flies by. I’ve always heard from people around the SSSAS community that these four years go by faster than you could ever imagine, and even with that I kept thinking that I would be dreading the long years. However, with only 100 days left, I cannot believe that these four years are almost behind me. My years at SSSAS have provided me not only with the academic knowledge needed for the world outside of this campus, but also the abilities in being an empathic, hardworking, and caring human. With my last 100 days, I will continue to pursue goodness as well as knowledge, and I hope to carry those values beyond my time at SSSAS.


Calysta Lee – This year, I was fortunate enough to be trusted with taking several of my classmates’ senior portraits. This was such a special conclusion to my high school photography career as I never expected it to become such a significant part of my life. When I first picked up a camera, I thought that I was starting a minor hobby consisting of photographing athletic events and casually documenting my social life, but it has since become so much more. I loved every moment I spent with my peers capturing their beautiful smiles in all kinds of locations ranging from someone’s backyard to Capitol Hill. During the photoshoots, I was able to talk to people I’ve never really had the opportunity to get to know before because of different class schedules, and I’ve never felt more connected to my community. I was able to see so many unique and individual styles and I so enjoyed capturing all the different ways people expressed themselves. I never anticipated all the opportunities that have been presented to me through my work and I am incredibly grateful.  


Jonathan Kho – Having the privilege of being co-captain of the cross country team has been an experience I’ll always cherish. Even though running is a difficult activity to do everyday, with a  team like this running is a simple hurdle to overcome. Even though throughout the season we had to face large hills, aggressive runners, and many many cases of shin splints and sore legs, this team’s encouragement ensured that we could face any challenge in cross country. I will never forget the support this group has given me throughout this season, and I hope I can find a similar community outside of SSSAS to help me get over the different struggles I will see in my own career. 


Kurt Gehlhoff– Having gone to SSSAS for fourteen years, I have experienced several memorable moments. Every year there was always something fun that I will never forget. Whether it be playing competitive games during field day at the lower school, winning my first wrestling match in middle school or joining Stage One at the upper school, there was always something. This year has made me look back on my time at SSSAS. Walking through the door to my kindergarten classroom, KE, feels like it happened last week when it really happened fourteen years ago.


Anish Kohli – As the senior class president, one of my biggest goals is to bring our grade closer together as we approach the end of our high school years. In the first week of school, I helped organize the senior sunrise and that was the first time I actually was able to talk to new people that I hadn’t spoken to before. Senior sunrise was just the start though, with the privilege of having a senior lounge, I have also gotten the opportunity to connect with new people and make new friends. Since coming to this school, senior year was officially my first full year of being at this high school since we went virtual freshman year. That being said, this year is special not only because this is our first full year here as a community but also because this is our last year; our last year to make memories with this group of unique people that I will remember forever.


Niles Alburg – Having gone to St. Stephen’s St. Agnes since sophomore year, I realized how much of a community it is. As a senior with only 100 days left until graduation, I’m glad that I was able to join this community as well as the basketball team. I will always cherish the friendships and memories I created here at SSSAS. Joining the team as a sophomore and now being a senior on the team, I have met some of my closest friends. Winning the IAC Championship and putting a banner on the wall was one of my best moments here. I hope to finish these last 100 days the best.


Billy Bertles – Since coming here in freshman year I haven’t left. With 100 days left, I probably won’t leave, so that’s a win!